Akira Class Starship
Category: Heavy Cruiser

Expected Duration: 80 years
Time Between Resupply: 1 years
Time Between Refit: 5 years
Officers: 130
Enlisted Crew: 320
Marines: 188
Passengers: 30
Maximum (Evacuation) Capacity: 4500
Cruising Velocity: Warp 6
Maximum Velocity: Warp 9.3
Emergency Velocity: Warp 9.8 (for 12 hours)
Length: 464 meters
Width: 316 meters
Height: 87 meters
Decks: 19
Auxiliary Craft
Shuttlebays: 3
Mustang Space Superiority Fighter: 12
Typhoon Multi-Role Assault Figher: 6
Danube Runabout: 2
Talon Scout: 1
Type 11 Shuttle: 1
Type 9 Shuttle: 4
Avro Hopper: 4
Defensive Systems
Ablative Armor
Structural Integrity Field
Type IX Array: 2
Type X Array: 3
Shielding Systems
Auto-Modulating Shields
Metaphasic Shielding
Standard Shielding System
Pulse-Fire Torpedo Launcher: 15
Photon Torpedoes: 310
Quantum Torpedoes: 600
Tri-Cobalt Device: 6

Shuttlebays are thru-deck from the front to aft of the saucer section.
Sub-decks A-C are in the torpedo pod above the main body of the ship. Deck 1-2 are contained entirely within the catamaran hulls.
Deck Listing: |
Deck |
Description |
1 |
Sub-deck A: Targeting Sensors. |
2 |
Sub-deck B: Torpedo Launchers and Loading Mechanism (4 Fore, 2 Aft). |
3 |
Sub-deck C: Torpedo Storage and Maintenance Station. |
4 |
Deck 1: Lateral Sensor Arrays, Subspace Communications Array, Emergency Generators |
5 |
Deck 2: Crew Quarters, Waste Reclamation Systems, Environmental Control (Life Support, Gravity Control). |
6 |
Deck 3: Bridge, Observation Lounge, Captains Ready Room, Escape Pods, Crew Quarters, Impulse Engines, Fusion Reactors. |
7 |
Deck 4: Senior Officer Quarters, Junior Officer Quarters, XO’s Office, VIP Quarters, Transporter Room 1, Escape Pods. |
8 |
Deck 5: Crew Quarters, Departmental Offices (CFCO, COO, CIO, CDO, CCO), Mess Hall, Crew Lounge, Deuterium Tanks and Injectors Holodeck 1. |
9 |
Deck 6: Warp Core, Science Labs, CScO Office, Research Labs, Stellar Cartography, Medical Labs, Main Sickbay, CMO Office, Crew Quarters |
10 |
Deck 7: Warp Core, CSTO Office, Armoury 1, Brig, Crew Quarters, Cargo Bay, 1 Primary SIF Generators |
11 |
Deck 8: Warp Core, Crew Quarters, Torpedo Storage and Launchers (1 Port and 1 Starboard, 3 Aft, 3 Fore), Transporter Room 2, Holodecks 2 and 3 |
12 |
Deck 9: Warp Core, Main Engineering (Upper), Main Computer Core, Computer Core Maintenance Access , Engineering Labs, CEO Office, Engineering Component Storage (Cargo Bay 3), Main Shuttlebay (Upper Level), Shuttle Flight Control Center |
13 |
Deck 10: Warp Core, Main Engineering (Lower), Main Computer Core, Docking Ports, RCS Thruster Assemblies, Main Shuttlebay (Lower Level), Shuttle Maintenance bay, Pilots Briefing Room |
14 |
Deck 11: Warp Core, Main Computer Core, Cargo Bay 3 + 4 (Upper), Transporter Room 3, Additional Shuttle Storage, Crew Quarters, Aft Tractor Emitter |
15 |
Deck 12: Warp Core, Main Computer Core, Cargo Bay 3 + 4 (Lower), Sensor array, Communications Array, Gym, Ships Library, Hydroponics Bay |
16 |
Deck 13: Warp Core, Marine Quarters, Marine Briefing Room, Marine CO Office, Armoury 2, Torpedo Storage and Launcher (Fore) |
17 |
Deck 14: Warp Core, Navigational Deflector, Auxiliary Computer Core, Auxiliary Control Center, Cargo Bay 4, Brig 2, Mess hall, Holodeck 4 |
18 |
Deck 15: Antimatter Storage Pods, Antimatter Generator, Antimatter Injection Assembly, Navigational Deflector, Deflector Control, Torpedo Storage and Launcher System (Aft), Shield Generators, Docking Port |
19 |
Deck 16: Navigational Deflector, Core Ejection Mechanism, Torpedo Storage and Launcher System x2 (Fore), Main Tractor Beam Assembly |
These specifications were written for use within Horizon Fleet, original specifications can be found here. |